Jane's India Journals

Journals from 2001, 2003 and 2004

Saturday, August 26, 2006

September 21,2004-What a Life!

Tuesday…21st September..
Dear All,
The internet is really bad today so have decided to get this all typed up as a word document and then hopefully be able to send it off later…but there is already a backlog of stuff to write as you will see, and just decided that today I will do it.
So…back to wehre we last left off…if I’m repeating myself, you’ll just have to forgive me…
Saturday-5 PM..
Just back after waiting out the rain for 2 hours at the internet place. Picked up some cakes at Nick’s and hoped to have tea and cake with Abdellah but he is not back…but he gave me the h\key to his room so went in and borrowed some "coffee drink" similar to Chico and honey. Boiled up water on my own burner and am now sitting in the curve of the bay window with a good book, drink and banana cake, chopin waltzes playing in the background, smell of insense wafting through the air, rumble of distant thunder and patter of light drizzle with splendid mountain view in front of me, topped by cldar blue sky with soft white and grey clouds, and down below, the valley is gleaming with sunshine. I am truly blessed.
Read for awhile, did yoga, soon will put together light supper with Abdellah and then movie time! What a life!
Saw Billie Elliot last night, read and off to sleep. Slept well, woke up again to glorious sunshine which again disappeared by 11. But up to Bhagsu to "supermarket" to stock up the kitchen as well as market for veggies…and then of course the rains came! This time I was in a restaurant with lovely young girls…British/Uisraleli on vacation…very sweet. Finally home, rest, saw Kelly again when I got back…he was visiting Abdellah and it was good to see him again if only for a few minutes…I stays mainly to himself but when we do meet up it is really pleasant. Perhaps we will manage a walk or something this year. If not, just knowing he’s around is a good feeling.
Did my first cooking…vegetable soup which we just finished eating and tonight we see Chicago!. In between I’m reading this fabulous book Abdellah gave me about an entirely new frequency of healing called the ""Reconnection""..and it fits in so well with the new Reiki work I'’e been doing. Everything seems to be coming around full circle.
I feel like I am on "borrowed time" - already a whole week of my 3 weeks alone is up….and the experience of "being" here with someone else will be new to me. This time alone is very precious to me and it seems like each day goes by too quickly and the days just disappear…I’ve actually never spent time here in McLeod with anyone else and it is going to be a whole different thing once Avik gets here…I’m curious how things will work themselves out, but have a feeling we will each have still much time to ourselves, as I’m not really into any of the "things" to do here anymore, and Avik will find LOTS of things which will all be new to him. I also hope Avik and Abdellah get on well so we can conitnue spending time together comfrotably as we have until now. I did some "scanning" on him today and could not believe the size and strength of his Aura….he is truly a very special person…not like anyone I’ve ever met, and so comfortable to be with…we can spend hours together and never get tired of each other’s company.
Don’t know if I mentioned my meeting with Gill yesterday…think I did…but here is another really special person who has been brought into my life…the blessings are without end.
Tomorrow Yonina is coming down from Dharamkot to visit. Should be nice. We can either eat leftover veggie soup or go out for lunch. Either way, it will be a nice day and I’ll show her around town.
Well…gotta go now..movie time.
Still have to get to Tashi, Shajar’s friend here in town. Hopefully will do that tomrorow when I also go down to Dondup (In the end the monsoon prevented this also…perhaps today if I ever finish catching up on letter writing…) the physiotherapist to make an appointment. They are near each other.
Monday….had a channeling this morning…if anyone is interested, let me know in a letter and I will send it on to you…but it was a very calming thing for me this morning….
Had a great day today with Yonina…another truly special person….We walked around town until the rain caught us and stopped into a shop where we bought some unusually beautiful shawels…While there, I had to use a toilet so the guy took me up to the pool hall upstiars…first time I felt it was a shame I didn’t have my camera with me…the whole pool hall was filled with mostly monks shooting pool…what a picture!
After spenidng two hours with this guy, since we couldn’t leave as the whole street was a river, he convinced me where I hope to go when Avik is here and we finally have to leave this area...A place I'’e heard wonderful things about but was always told it was too dangerous...Srinagar in Kashmir...and stay on a houseboat...it looks like ladakh from the pictures only all green and it is only 10-12 hours from here by taxi or jeep. The lady Anette I met on the train is there now also, and will be back in a few days so I will also hear from her how it was. This is why you never make plans from day to day in India…so many new ideas come along and you have to consider all of them and as the time gets closer you make the decision which seems most appropriate at the moment. But good to have many options…
This monsoon is hanging in and the prediciton is for it to last a little longer than usual.
Tuesday Morning.
NO MORE MOVIES FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS!!! I’ve been overdosed!… and no more fresh b3read and jam and aple rolls and fruit tarts…ordered my regular breakfast of muesli, fruit and curd today!…
Last night we saw Passage to India which was great, but I really need a break.
Ashish warned me to lock my door even when I’m just next door with Abdellah…he came up last night just to check that all was well and saw my door unlocked and assumed I was in my room…only later did he realize I was with Abdellah ….he was very stern with me and he is right! Will I ever learn?
I’m so tired this morning…will have to get back on track.
Met a guy last evening named Vinny…looks in his late 50’s or 60’s…ex German living here for the past 11 years. Friend of the twins who came up to visit Abdellah and found us while we were eating dinner and he joined us. Strange person but very interesting to talk ot…many strange people live up here actually…guess I’m strange in my own way as well for spenidng as much time as I do here and wishing it could be even more.
This has beena whole different kind of trip for me. I knew it would be so when I left but didn’t know in what way the difference would manifest itself. First of all, I have NO NEED for my camera or, believe it or not, to even LOOK at a computer!! But I know I’ll be upset with myself if I have tow rite up a lot all at once time so today I will FORCE myself to go in and do this! I can actually use abdellah’s laptop to write up this stuff but I can’t find rewritable CD’s here… maybe I’ll have avik bring me some from home…then I can just burn them on the laptop and bring them down here and send them off!
Secondly, since I have a kitchen and Abdellah here, we eat breakfast and dinner up on the roof each day here and so I mostly just eat one meal out, and if I was like many people, I probably woulnd’t even need that mid-day meal. But it means I do less "casual socializing" than I have in the past and that is also OK> Lots of old friends now to see and so I have less need for chance meetings,. Dafna will be back in a few days, as will Anette, and Gill is here, Yonina, Abdellah, Kelly…Plenty of people to be with if I have th eneed for company.
I’ve also not yet done any walking on the mountaing but this is par for the course when I first arrive (I don’t count the walk up to Dharmakot last week, across the mountain to bhagsu and down to McLeod, or the walk up to Bhagsu to shop the other day…this is just like walking around the block back home)
It’s been as close as "beten-gav" (Israeli expression for doingi absolutely nothing while on vacation) as you could get for me I guess. Really lazy and I guess this is what I need right now.
I will end this now and get it off to all of you….New day ahead of me including an appointment at Dondup at 4 …my knees seem to be bothering me…but he’ll take care of them. Gill is also supposed to be checking out a local Ayurveda professor for me in Dharamsala and hope to see him soon as well.
I don’t know when I will write again , but enjoy finding your letters waiting for me….I think, at least for now, the letters will be m,ore like this…every few days…
My love to all…and my dearest children!!! Let me hear from you!!!!